Teachings of Christ Mind

Library of Christ Mind Teachings
The Raj Material

Hang on a sec…

Good evening. And welcome to everyone who’s joining us on the Internet.

It’s an interesting thing. Whether you know it or not, whether you remember it or not, every single one of you, every one listening to my words at this moment, has [been] at some point in your lifetime, no matter how young you might be, the cause of a miracle, if I might put it that way—the facilitator of a miracle, the one who allowed innocence to be present in his or her mind and, as a result, [has been] an “agent for change,” as I’ve used the phrase—so much so, that someone else was most significantly blessed by you.

Some of you can think of at least one such incident that has happened in your lifetime. An incident in which something you couldn’t have planned happened that lifted a great burden—physical, mental, emotional—from someone else. An event that you could probably only best describe as an experience of inner illumination, not necessarily of anything specific, it may just have been a feeling of infiniteness. It may have been an experience of being bathed in light that was embracing you in a most loving way. It may have been a point at which on some part of your body, a fragrance came forth that was not the result of after-shave lotion or perfume, a fragrance that was never applied to your body by you.

Now mind you, these are the sorts of experiences you might have found yourself having at a point in which another was suddenly released from bondage, we’ll say. And what I just described was for you, or had for you, nothing to do with directing your thought or your energy toward your friend or acquaintance, or the one who was blessed. And yet it was obvious that there was a relationship there between you and them at that point at which the miracle occurred.

Most of you will say that that may only have happened once. It certainly wasn’t very frequent. Some of you who don’t remember having had that kind of experience are blocking the memory. Why? Because when it happened, it drew attention to you in the form of gratitude—such gratitude that you found yourself embarrassed by being the focus of attention relative to an incredible thing happening. It made you feel self-conscious. And so, the best way you could handle it was to back away and then push it out of memory.

I promise you that even if you don’t remember events happening like this, those people in your lives who were blessed have not forgotten it to this day. They know you were part of the blessing.

Now why am I mentioning this? I’m mentioning it because not many of you think you are participants in miracles. Your mindset—the orphan mindset, the mindset that doesn’t recognize itself as the holy Son of God or the holy Daughter of God—is uncomfortable with anything that smacks of the Reality of God, such as a miracle.

“Uh-h, leave that to the healers, leave that to the ministers.” As for you? No.

But you know what? To the degree that you don’t allow yourself to be comfortable with miracles, with being a significant “other” in someone’s life, you are denying who you Are. You’re denying that you’re the holy Son or Daughter of God. You’re willing at that point to settle quite comfortably with just being a human being living out his or her lifetime and perhaps, having a certain degree of comfort or smoothness to that lifetime because of your spiritual studies and your spiritual understandings which we talked about last week.

In other words, as a general rule, you avoid being associated with holiness. And it’s very important for you to recognize that.

To the degree that you find it difficult to have the meaning of holiness applied to you, to that degree you are holding fast to the orphan mentality. Specifically, you are holding fast to being one who is ignorant of his Father, Father-Mother, God.

Now, as we continue in the Book here, it says:

How can faith in reality be yours while you are bent on making it unreal?1

Now, if I hadn’t shared what I just shared, you might have said, “Oh-h, what do you mean I’m bent on making Reality unreal?”

Well, this is the way you’re bent on making Reality unreal: When you don’t want to have the meaning of holiness associated with you, who Are a holy Son or Daughter of God—and that is your Reality—you’re making that Reality unreal.

“Oh-h, it would be very nice to just be able to brush my holiness under the corner of the carpet, or under the pillow or in the closet, out of sight.”

But you know what? [chuckle] The unholy sons and daughters of egos die. The unholy daughters and sons of the ego become ill. The unholy sons and daughters of the ego—of a private self-originated authoritative mind—suffer sin, disease, death, hardship, lack, stress, plagued with prejudice and hate and fear. Yeah, it really is a lot easier to ignore one’s holiness. I understand that. Yeah, you get along quite well in your suffering sense of reality.

But we’re talking about Waking up, aren’t we! That’s the whole point. The whole point is discovering that Reality is Real. And that the Reality that is Real is different from the one you’ve been identifying with. And therefore, Waking up is going to constitute a considerable change in your mental makeup—your attitudes, your atmosphere.

When you get up in the morning, how often does it occur to you, how many mornings a week or a month does it occur to you to be curious: “Wonder what the miracle is I’m going to see today? I wonder what miracles I’m going to experience as a result of my letting go of control and authority over my day? I wonder how many miracles I’m going to experience as a result of asking for the Holy Spirit’s perspective?” … the perspective of that which is nothing more than your right Mind.

And yet this is what needs to happen. These are the thoughts and ideas that need to be crossing your mind. There need to be lights going on during your day that say: Look! Look! Look for that which goes beyond your present concept of what you’re seeing! Look for what God is Being there, right where you think something material is going on.

You want your day to be filled with new, correct, true perspective that constitutes a direct experience of Reality, meaning the Presence of God right here.

You know, as long as you acquire a spiritual perspective, as long as you are a human being growing older—first growing up, which is very intriguing and you look forward to it, and then growing older in which you abandon looking forward to the newness, because you associate growing older with newness fading. And this is the way you walk around every day. And this sense of yourself is the one that picks up A Course in Miracles and reads it and finds himself or herself nourished—provided with an experience of peace in the midst of getting older.

And I want this to stop! I want you to want this to stop!

Because the reason for learning of God and of your Sonship or Daughtership—of your true Identity—is so that growing older stops. So that sin, disease and death disappear. So that hate and suffering and jealousy that consumes you and debilitates you, leaves your mind—simply doesn’t come up—as a way of being aware.

The truth isn’t supposed to be a means of being comfortable in a life of suffering.

The Holy Spirit, that which is nothing more than your right Mind, is intent on reuniting the little separated—imaginatively separated—sense of self that you are embracing, back into the whole of your Self. And it’s only a shift of perception away … it’s only a shift of perception away.

Now, you say, “What is that shift of perception? Tell me what it is. I’ll gladly embrace it!”

Well, it’s a shift of perception that occurs when you abandon all sense of authority that you think you personally, privately have. It’s a shift of perception that occurs in a moment of humility, which means, in the absence of arrogance and in the absence of confidence—confidence born out of personal experience.

You know what? Invulnerability is the divine equivalence of confidence born of experience. Invulnerability is the state of being when you are in humility, when you are not holding yourself apart from God—from your Father, from your Source.

Remember, the holy instant is where the laws of God prevail. The holy instant, in the silence, is the moment in which a shift of perception can occur because there’s no self-will blocking it. Humility is what you could call, silence—silence of human will.

Now this means that right here in this world, as you go through your day, you can experience invulnerability on the freeway, in the middle of an accident, or working with sharp knives in the kitchen, or carrying hot liquids. Invulnerability is available to you when you engage in those activities in humility. Invulnerability, the absolute incapacity to be damaged—injured, altered from your divine originality that the Father is being as You, in every single moment. Now that’s significant! Far more significant than the way I used the word, “significant,” just now.

It’s worth reaching for. It’s worth practicing the two-step for.

So again:

How can faith in reality be yours while you are bent on making it unreal? And are you really safer in maintaining the unreality of what has happened than you would be in joyously accepting it for what it is, and giving thanks for it?

No of course not. In maintaining that no miracle really happened or you’d rather not look at it because it embarrasses you to be involved in that, or you’d really rather not be thought of as being holy, you’d really rather not look at yourself and have to willingly embrace the totality of what the words mean, “holy Son of God.”

… are you really safer in maintaining the unreality of what has happened …

those miracles that have happened in a moment of humility …

than you would be in joyously accepting it for what it is, and giving thanks for it? ? Honor the truth that has been given you, and be glad you do not understand it.

Mind you, in every case where you were an agent for change, even those cases where it might seem that you were consciously contributing to change, of benefit, it was the Holy Spirit that moved—the Holy Spirit that moved in you and the Holy Spirit that moved in the one that was blessed with you. And it wasn’t any skill or power you had. And it happened not because you understood it, but because in the moment of humility, the Movement of God—the breeze moving through the hills and the valleys—was able to be felt because it wasn’t interfered with by arrogance in any form.

Understanding had nothing to do with it. And understanding will never have anything to do with it. But learning how to be in the flow of your Being, learning how to be in the flow of the Movement of Love … by what? Engaging in humility. Engaging in an absolute lack of arrogance. In every case, that will exhibit your holiness. And it will exhibit the Presence of God and it will confirm reality as Reality rather than the misunderstanding of Reality that everyone has been going around confirming and believing.

Honor the truth that has been given you, and be glad you do not understand it. Miracles are natural to God, and to the One Who speaks for Him.

Who is the One that speaks for God? Well, as long as you’re claiming not to be the holy Son of God, it isn’t going to be you, is it?

But it is going to be You. It’s going to be the Holy Spirit, that in you which is nothing more than your right Mind—the Presence of God. So …

Miracles are natural to God, and to the One Who speaks for Him.

… the Holy Spirit.

For His task is …


… to translate the miracle into the knowledge which it represents, and which is lost to you.

His task is to translate the flow of the breeze through the hills and valleys gracing and caressing everything on its way in ways that have effects on it and translating the effects, we’ll say, into a clear awareness of the Movement of Love that is actually happening, so that it isn’t obscure to you.


Miracles are natural to God, and to the One Who speaks for Him. For His …

the One who speaks for Him …

His task is to translate the miracle into the knowledge which it represents, and which is lost to you.

Why? So that it will no longer be lost to you.

Let His understanding of the miracle be enough for you, and do not turn away from all the witnesses that He has given you to His reality.

In a way, you don’t see the Holy Spirit move. The Holy Spirit in a way is very much like the breeze—the Movement of Love. But when, in a moment of humility—an absence of arrogance—you are willing to be present without manipulation of any sort, the Movement of the Holy Spirit can register with you and a miracle occurs, healing occurs, blessing occurs, release from bondage occurs and someone is blessed and you are blessed. The Presence of God has been confirmed and the Presence of the Holy Spirit has been confirmed.

Now, here’s the hard part to take: The Presence of the Holy Spirit that has been confirmed, has been the Presence of what You divinely Are, confirmed. Uh-oh! The Presence of the holy Son of God that you Are has been confirmed. You see?

You are not going to Wake up without being involved. You are not going to Wake up without being blessed. Awakening is not going to occur without you being changed from the tips of your toes. Where you won’t be reluctant to realize and know and embrace the fact that you Are the holy Son of God. And that it’s your good fortune to have as your right, and even your obligation, I’m going to say, to live in this world as a holy Son of God, as the presence of holiness.

I know some of you are feeling uncomfortable at these words. You think you’re going to stand out like a sore thumb.

Well, let me ask you this: If you’re walking down the street tomorrow knowing you’re the holy Son of God, well, something outlandish will happen. Anybody who’s near you will be near someone who’s not sick [chuckling] or they’ll be walking past someone who isn’t full of fear. They’ll be walking by someone who has a full head of hair. Really outrageous, right? They’ll walk past someone who’s incapable of being reactive or misinterpreting what they might be doing. Really outlandish. They’ll be walking past someone who will never die. They’ll be walking past someone who apparently is in the prime of their life—not overly young, not overly old. They’ll be walking by someone who’s rather good-looking because symmetry and balance is there in everything about them. No. You know, you’ll probably go unnoticed, except that your presence will be a blessing.

So let’s stop using these silly excuses for not Waking up, for not embracing the idea and the reality of holiness and the magnitude of holiness and therefore, the magnitude of your holiness. Let’s stop using silly arguments for delaying the embrace and embodiment of your holiness. And in the process, you’ll stop denying God. And in the process, God will be confirmed in the world … “Thy will be done.”2 Oh, many of you say it everyday: “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Oh, wait a minute. On Earth, here … now? No, no, all that stuff for after you die in the by-and-by?”

You know what? If your invulnerability becomes yours, if your symmetry and balance becomes yours, if your wholeness becomes yours, what in the hell are you bulking at? What are you delaying for? What self-righteous reason could you possibly have that justifies suffering a moment longer?


Let His understanding …

the Holy Spirit’s understanding …

of the miracle be enough for you…

whether you understand it or not … no, even though you don’t understand it.

Let His understanding of the miracle be enough for you…

yield to it. Just let it be and let it be that which affects your presence at every moment, every day in the here and now.

… and do not turn away from all the witnesses that He has given you to His reality.

Do not turn away from the blessings that have occurred for others in your life because you were there in a moment of innocence and humility with them—the healings, the transformations that have occurred. Don’t turn away from them. Those are the witnesses. Those are the leafs tweaking and the long blades of grass gently arcing in the breeze. And they say the breeze is here. And these blessings that have been extended from your presence have confirmed that your holiness is here … that your holiness is here … that your holiness is here … that your holiness is here.

No evidence will convince you of the truth of what you do not want.

But I’m going to say, stop not wanting to know the truth, stop not wanting to have holiness evidenced in your life. Forget about what you think you’ll look like to others. As I said, you’ll probably be unnoticed, because you’ll just be so darn perfect. Do you know what perfect means? It means nothing out of the ordinary, nothing unusual, nothing inconsistent, no friction present, no antagonism present, no conflict about you in any aspect of your affairs.

The only thing that would make you stand out to anyone would be the utter peace and harmony that you exhibit. And that’s not what usually people are looking for or paying attention to. They want a little drama. So don’t be afraid of the magnitude of your holiness.


No evidence will convince you of the truth of what you do not want. Yet your relationship with Him …

the Holy Spirit …

is real, and has been demonstrated.

I’ve already made this clear. It has been demonstrated a number of times in your life that it is possible for you to remember, and many times in your life that you may not have noticed simply because it was easier not to be reminded of your holiness. So it was easy to discount things that happened, “Well, it’s their good karma,” or, “they got up on the right side of the bed this morning,” or, “it was bound to happen.” On and on.

Regard this not with fear, but with rejoicing. The One you called upon is with you.

Of course. In your humility, the doors of your mind, of your being, are thrown wide open because it takes arrogance to do the only thing arrogance can, which is to close doors, and to isolate and to barricade. You see?

Bid Him welcome, and honor His witnesses, who bring you the glad tidings …

… you see, right now it’s becoming perfectly clear to you that you’re going to have to change the way you view things as you go through your day. You’re going to have to start paying attention to and looking for the witnesses to what? Your holiness. And the witnesses to the magnitude of holiness.

Now, because you’re so deeply embedded in the habit of arrogance, you’re going to say that it’s going to take great discipline, great self-discipline on your part to be attentive for the witnesses to the Presence of God. And that’s a safe way to say it—witnesses to the Presence of God—cause that’s not you. But the witnesses to the Presence of God are the witnesses to holiness on Earth here and now. “As in Heaven so on Earth.” These witnesses are the witnesses to your holiness. You’re going to have to get used to that. And you’re going to have to be willing to stop denying it and stop pushing it out of sight out of mind, ignoring it, because the good news is, that as the holy Son of God, you will Wake up, as a puny, piss-ant little mortal you’re going to keep on dreaming.

Bid Him welcome, and honor His witnesses, who bring you the glad tidings He has come. It is true, just as you fear, that to acknowledge Him is to deny all that you think you know.

We better say that again:

It is true, just as you fear, that to acknowledge Him …

that which is nothing more than whose right Mind? Your right Mind.

… that to acknowledge Him is to deny all that you think you know.

In other words, that which is nothing more than your wrong mind.

But it was never true.

The wrong mind never actually existed. And to lose it is to lose nothing that seemed to be something, and blinded you to Who you Are and the Kingdom of Heaven that it’s your Birthright to be joying in the experience of right here, right now, today.

What gain is there to you in clinging to it…

clinging to the denial of the truth. Clinging to your unholy humanness that you have no trouble embracing at all, even though it’s a terminal experience.

Where is the intelligence in that?

Oh, I know, you didn’t know you had an alternative. Well, the good news is you have an alternative. And we’re talking about embracing the alternative—laying claim to it. Except that laying claim to it isn’t something you aggressively do, like grabbing it. It’s something you allow to happen by indulging in humility: Silence—the absence of arrogance, the absence of willfulness, the absence of accomplishing, so that you might be that pure conscious awareness which is, for lack of better words, the arena, the hills and valleys through which the Movement of Love—the breeze—flows, causing your very Being to be the Movement of fulfillment as well as the observation of it and the rejoicing in the conscious experience of it.

And I promise you that when in the midst of humility you have this experience here and now, what you called a material world and universe will become obvious to you as the Kingdom of Heaven. It always has been the Kingdom of Heaven. It always has been the more that you imagined the Kingdom of Heaven is than what you have been experiencing. The only thing is it’s not something you get into by virtue of dying sometime in the future. It’s something you’re in at this moment and the only thing necessary to experiencing it is a simple sudden shift of perception.

This really is true. A shift of perception that automatically occurs in moments of humility and eternally endures when nothing but humility is engaged in. In other words, in the interminable absence of arrogant willfulness.

What gain is there to you in clinging to it, and denying the evidence for truth? For you have come too near to truth to renounce it now, and you will yield to its compelling attraction. You can delay this now but only a little while.

Only a little while. You really know too much. You really, I’m sorry to say, have already learned too much to successfully go back to what I’m going to call, a peaceful life of suffering—one that you’ve managed to cope with quite well, “thank you very much.” Right?

You’re on your way Home. And as with the hundredth monkey principle, the more who get it, the more who go Home, the fewer there are left to join in the mutual agreement to be unconscious of truth. And you’ll just be swept along whether you like it or not.

Now, it won’t be against your will. You’ll be swept along because the obviousness of truth will begin to register with you more and more and you won’t be able to deny it and you won’t want to deny it. And so you won’t deny it. And that will thrust you, impel you into the realization of truth.

Now, if you want to drag your feet and be one of the last ones who are impelled to it by the simple fact that truth becomes more obvious than you want it to be, faster than you want it to be, go ahead. But you know what? Your help’s needed now, if I may put it that way. Now is the time to have the curiosity and the gumption to indulge in holy instants, to indulge in the two-step—to go through your day in a new frame of mind which expects to see greater witnesses to the Presence of God than you’ve been seeing, even though you’re not about to conceptualize how that should appear.

You can delay this now but only a little while. The host of God has called to you, and you have heard. Never again will you be wholly willing not to listen.

Oh, yep, there’s that word again, “listen.” Listen, shut up and listen! Stop asserting yourself and become receptive: “Be still and know that I Am God.”3 That’s God’s expression of Love to all of His Creation. Be still and know the only thing there is to know: That God is all there is to everything. And therefore, you can stop this silly practice of arrogant control and self-improvement and relax back into your pre-existing holiness in which you are not only whole, but you are that conscious awareness of wholeness in which no aspect of wholeness escapes your attention and the fact that it is all evidence of the breeze—the Movement of Love—that causes it to be awesome and fulfilling to be experiencing and to have no other function than to experience that. Far from boring, far from monotonous.

But you see, your goal is different. In a way that’s sort of what’s meant by a shift of perception. You’re going to be where you’ve always been. But you can look at it differently. A shift of perception will occur. Not a shift of what’s perceived, not a shift of Creation that’s being observed, but a shift in the way it’s being looked at.

This is a year of joy, in which your listening will increase, and peace …

oh-h, that element that is ever present in humility …

and peace will grow with its increase.

Now you know, this is not a prediction, it happens to be true: This is a year a joy in which your listening will increase. And last year was a year a joy in which listening increased. But I am going to tell you, that the increase will be greater this year than it has been. And it will be easier this year than it has been, if there’s the slightest bit of willingness. If there is not the slightest bit of willingness, it will be a more difficult year.


The power of holiness and the weakness of attack have both been brought into awareness.

That’s why it’s going to be a year of joy in which your listening will increase.

The power of holiness and the weakness of attack have both been brought into awareness.

Like never before.

And this has been accomplished in minds firmly convinced that holiness is weakness…

… right? You know, you’d rather not have that word, “holiness” attached to you. You would rather not have people think that you think you’re holy. You would rather not have things happen [chuckle] that cause you to seem to be holy.

Why? Because you think holiness is weakness instead of the strength of your Being and the invulnerability of your Being, which is the thing you greatly want.

“Oh, come-on! I don’t have to put my shingle out, do I? I mean, do I have to have a sign out on my door that says, ‘His holiness, her holiness?’ I mean, I can just keep it to myself, right?” That’s called, “the human condition.” You’re already doing that. You’re keeping it a great secret from yourself and from everyone else. And that secret constitutes a terminal existence—it seems to. And it doesn’t need to seem to any longer.

Okay. I’m going to back up:

The power of holiness and the weakness of attack have both been brought into awareness. And this has been accomplished …

listen to this:

in minds firmly convinced that holiness is weakness, and attack is power…

aggression is power.

Should not this be a sufficient miracle to teach you that your teacher is not of you?

What you’re being taught is the opposite of what you want to hold onto for dear life … or should I say, “for dear death.”

But remember also that, whenever you have listened to His interpretation…

the Holy Spirit’s, whenever you have been in a moment of humility and have been infilled…

the results have brought you joy.

A little bit of honesty here:

Would you prefer the results of your interpretation, considering honestly what they have been? God wills you better. Could you not look with greater charity on whom God loves with perfect love?

Wonder who that might be? Who might you look on with greater charity? Maybe yourself. Maybe you are the holy Son of God, maybe you are the holy Daughter of God. Maybe the magnitude of holiness has a direct bearing on you and your identity and your salvation. And maybe not experiencing it in the here and now is a ridiculous loss, a ridiculous loss because it can’t be taken away. And so it is present, and it’s a ridiculous thing not to be experiencing it.

The breeze is blowing, gently caressing every single one of you into the clarity of your Being and your joy and your invulnerability. Let’s make a point of enjoying it together, of being conscious of it together.

And let this coming week be different.

  1. T16.2 The Magnitude of Holiness 

  2. Bible, Matthew 6:10 

  3. Psalm 46:10 

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