Teachings of Christ Mind

Library of Christ Mind Teachings
Choose Only Love

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Final Words

A message from the Voice of Christ through a Choir of Angels in the presence of Archangel Raphael and Archangel Gabriel

Beloved souls in love, in love with Christ,

The time has come to let the seeds of a wisdom that is not of the world be planted in Eden, in the sanctity of your heart, and be nourished by the waters of silence. In this way, at the right time, you will begin to sprout the offspring of love and further embellish the majestic beauty of your being.

We, the angels of God, your friends and your companions, thank you with all our heart for this time in which you allow us to dwell with you in this particular way. You gave us the treasure of your time, your dedication, your mind, and your soul, and received with love these words that have been given to you by love. You will not be able—in the world—to know for sure how much beauty, harmony, bliss, and love you spill over into creation every time you join in prayer to the source of life that is God. The union that you make real when you join this work is an expression of Heaven for you and for the whole world.

Always remember that we are one mind, one heart, one soul— one God. We are the unity of self. United, we are the sacred heart. Remember that we rest together in the arms of love. Remember that your self shines in the holiness that you are in truth, and lives eternally in the union of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the refuge of holy love for souls.

These words are not a farewell, but an expression of pure love. They are a song of praise for you who fervently desire union with Christ, because in the depths of your being you recognize the voice of truth and follow it. This is a love letter to you from the Father.

These final words are a bridge that unites one dwelling with another. A bridge that will allow us, together, to continue traveling the path of love and truth, a path of joy and peace. We do not say goodbye, because we will continue to live with you, and because new expressions of the truth that is always true will be given to you, by the design of the Heavenly Father, for the joy of your self and the salvation of the world.

We, the angels of God, your friends and your companions, will be at your side—and in you—all the days of your life, until the consummation of time. You will be in our hearts for all eternity, rejoicing in the joy of eternal life.

Thank you, daughters and sons of God, for your Yes to love. You have chosen the best part and it will not be taken away from you. You have chosen to dwell eternally in an abode of light that will never wane. You have chosen truth to be your friend and eternal companion. You have chosen holiness as the only truth of your being. You have chosen to manifest as the living Christ who lives in you. You have made the choice for love.

Blessed be all souls and all creation!

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