Teachings of Christ Mind

Library of Christ Mind Teachings
A Course Of Love

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30.1 What is held in common is shared and is a characteristic representation of the whole. Just as simple fractions can be added together to achieve wholeness once a common denominator is found, your own fractiousness can yield to wholeness through the common denominator of the Self. A common denominator is simply that which yields to wholeness. This yielding is a natural process. To yield is to give up, surrender, but also to produce and bear fruit.

30.2 The two levels of experience we have spoken of might be seen as the process, much like in math, through which the common denominator is found. The common denominator is not by itself the whole, but is, in combination, the whole. In order for a common denominator to be found, more than one (fraction, part, or variable) must exist. The purpose of finding a common denominator is to translate what is more than one into one. An assumption of wholeness is “common” in every denominator.

30.3 A denominator is a named entity. To denominate is to name. “In the beginning” the separate expressions of the whole were named. This naming was an act of creation, stating simply the existence of what was named or denominated. Existence and wholeness are the same. Thus your existence, the existence of the Self, is, or can be, a common denominator of wholeness. In our act of saying it is so, we name or denominate the Self as what is common to wholeness. Despite unlimited variations being available, commonality is also always available. Thus no matter how fractious are the separate selves, commonality and wholeness always exist and have always existed.

30.4 Wholeness cannot be achieved without joining, thus the commonly known injunction of “where two or more are joined together.” If you would think of this in terms of “God” or the state of “Wholeness” or “Beingness” separating into more than one in order to know Itself, you would see that knower and known are one. You would see that two or more is needed in order for knowing to occur. To not know wholeness would be to be in a state of nothingness. Thus the joining of two or more are needed in order for wholeness to be known and thus to exist as a state of conscious awareness.

30.5 Now let us consider this in terms of experience. As knower and known are one, experience and experiencer are one. In other words, one must experience in order to know. It follows then that what is experienced is what is known. It also follows then, that to not experience joining is to not experience wholeness. Stated another way, the self cannot know the Self without joining with the Self. The Self must be the knower and the known, the experience and the experiencer. The quest to join with God is this quest. The quest to be the knower and the known, the experience and the experiencer. The culmination of this quest, then, is joining.

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