Teachings of Christ Mind

Library of Christ Mind Teachings
A Course Of Love

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13.1 There is no danger, in this time, that you will know the truth and then discover that you were wrong. You know the difference between certainty and uncertainty and are far more likely to err, especially in the beginning, in discounting what you know rather than in being adamant in the proclamation of what you know. But this desire to proclaim what you know will grow in you, and while you will not be “wrong” in what you know, you may have difficulty in understanding exactly what it is you have discovered; and you may have difficulty in the expression of what you know, especially as what you know grows beyond the realm of mind and body, form and time.

13.2 What you will be coming to know in this new way of discovery will be coming to you from the state of unity, from a state you share with all at the level of Christ-consciousness but that may literally not be sharable with those who remain in a separate state except through the sharing of who you are and who you know others to be. There are two issues of great import contained within this statement, and we will explore each separately.

13.3 The first is that what you will be discovering, what you will be coming to know, will be coming to you from the state of unity, which is a shared state. Although what you will be coming to know is already known to you, it will still come in the form of a surprising discovery, a joyous discovery of the previously known but long forgotten identity of the Self and all that lives along with you. This knowing will, for a while yet, be surprising because it will be reversing the insanity of your life as you have known it thus far. These reversals will be among the first revelations and will seem quite simple and pleasing as they enter your awareness, but they may come to be seen as quite complicated as you begin the practice of living with what you come to know.

13.4 What is known to you in an instant through the new means available to you within the state of unity will still seem, at times, to need to be learned anew in daily living. This is knowing that will often come in a flash, and is, in a sense, a humorous metaphor for the idea of a divine “ray” of light descending and granting enlightenment. Take another look at your Bible for many stories such as these, and you will read account after account of people who did not know how to live with what they came to know, with what was received in a “ray of light” from within the state of unity.

13.5 What comes of unity is in union and thus is whole. Therefore the knowing that will be coming to you will be given in a state of wholeness. You have previously learned of everything in parts and details and particulars. While you are perfectly capable of coming to know in wholeness, a way that is actually natural to you, it will seem so foreign at times that you will feel “blinded” by the light of knowing. You will realize that you know something you did not know before in form, that it is important, monumental even; but you will be unable to “see” this knowing, to envision it in the world of separation, to translate it into the language of the separated self.

13.6 You will know that this knowing must be shared. And yet, you will not, at first, fully realize that this sharing is not needed so much as a means of imparting important knowledge to others, but so that you can come to understand it. What comes of union is a knowing that exists in relationship. Once you have attained a state of being able to sustain Christ-consciousness, this will no longer be a problem because you will constantly abide in awareness of the relationship of unity. But until this state is achieved, you will move in and out of states of awareness of the relationship of unity.

13.7 This need not overly concern you as it will not affect you as it did those of the past because you are living in the time of Christ, a time when no intermediaries are needed or required. Thus you are not called to become an intermediary trying to bridge the knowing of the separated self and the Self of union. What you are called to do is to share in union with others whose awareness is expanding.

13.8 You have been told and told again that you are not alone, and this has been among the biggest hurdles for many of you to overcome because your state of aloneness is all you have known. This perceived state is synonymous with the personal self, with the idea of individuality, with separate thoughts, and with the idea that no one will ever be able to truly know you. But join with others who are experiencing the expanding awareness of the time of Christ, and you will begin to see the evidence that things are different now. Join with others who are coming to know through the state of unity, and the evidence to the contrary will be overwhelming. You will begin to truly understand that you are not alone and separate, and that even the coming to know of the state of unity is a shared coming to know, a coming to know in relationship.

13.9 Just as you were taught that you could not learn on your own, you are now being told by one who knows that you also do not come to the knowing of the state of unity alone. Why then would you think that you could come to full expression of what you have come to know without sharing in relationship? Partial expression, yes. But that partial expression will bear the mark of your perspective, and that is why partial truth is never the whole truth, and why the whole truth is the only truth.

13.10 Sharing in relationship is what the state of unity is all about. It is what it is.

13.11 We come now to the second part of what we are exploring together here, the idea that what you come to know may literally not be sharable with those who remain in a separate state except through the sharing of who you are and who you know others to be. All this means is that while you may feel unable to share or express all that comes to you from unity, and while you may feel unable to share or express the authority and truth you know it represents, you will, by living according to what you know to be the truth, form the very relationships and union that will allow the truth to be shared. The relationship or union, in other words, precedes the sharing of what can only be given and received in relationship.

13.12 This is why you were told specifically not to evangelize or attempt to convince. These are actions of the separated self attempting to fulfill intermediary functions. Relationship, or union, is what negates the need for such intermediary functions. By being who you are, and seeing others as who they truly are, you create the relationship in which sharing can occur. Without relationship there is no willingness and no union. Without relationship, you behave as a separated self attempting to communicate union from the state of separation. This does not work. Join with your brother and sister in Christ, however, and sharing becomes effortless and joyful and effective. Cause and effect become one. Means and end the same.

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