Teachings of Christ Mind

Library of Christ Mind Teachings
ACIM Sparkly Edition

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The ultimate purpose of projection as the ego uses it is ALWAYS to get rid of guilt. Yet, characteristically, the ego attempts to get rid of guilt from ITS viewpoint only, for much as the ego wants to retain guilt, YOU find it intolerable, since guilt stands in the way of your remembering God,Whose pull is so strong that you CANNOT resist it. On this issue, then, the deepest split of all occurs, for if you are to retain guilt, as the ego insists, YOU CANNOT BE YOU. Only by persuading you that IT is you could the ego possibly induce you to project guilt, and thereby KEEP it in your mind.

Yet consider how strange a solution the ego’s arrangement is. You project guilt to get rid of it, but you are actually merely concealing it. You DO experience guilt feelings, but you have no idea why. On the contrary, you associate them with a weird assortment of ego ideals, which the ego claims you have failed. Yet you have no idea that you are failing the Son of God by seeing him as guilty. Believing you are no longer you, you do not realize that you are failing YOURSELF.

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