Teachings of Christ Mind

Code of Conduct


The Library of Christ Mind Teachings is a repository of modern day channeled teachings on the subject of Christ or Unity Consciousness. This material provides a perspective on life that promotes union through deep self honesty and self responsibility.

The purpose of the project is to offer these teachings free of charge, in an uncluttered, easily discoverable manner to all who are interested. The Library does not promote a perspective or point of view and serves only to offer the teachings as they are received.

In most cases, the teachings themselves are copyrighted and made available in the Library through expressed permission of the copyright holder. The Library framework software that provides features common to all teachings such as search, bookmarks and annotation, and sharing are all publicly available as Open Source software.

Project Values and Purpose

The Library is inspired by the desire of the author to share the message communicated through Christ Mind teachings. The core message is of union through love and support for everyone and an understanding that all events arise as an opportunity to grow more deeply into that experience.

It is understood that everyone involved in this project is in agreement with these principles and agrees to treat others and themselves in a manner of cooperation and respect. Involvement in the project does not require any particular religious or spiritual belief or practice other than love and respect for yourself and others.


At first writing of this Code of Conduct there is little need to specify procedures since the author is the sole member of the team.

As more people become involved, team members will join equally to define process and procedures as needed. The decision to add new features or content will require agreement by the project originator.

This Code of Conduct is very flexible and is enforced by team members. We will add more specificity to enforcement procedures as they become necessary.

All are Welcome

The teachings of Christ Mind are for everyone, and anyone interested in participating in this project is welcome as long they agree with the ideals of union, cooperation, and service to humanity and the healing of our conflicted world.


For more information please contact Rick Mercer.